Weekend and Evening Delivery Massage Therapy Programs

If you prefer a more self-directed program where you can make your own schedule and create flexibility in your life, the Weekend and Evening Delivery program is for you.

Year One | Basic Relaxation Certificate

Students enrolled in the Basic Relaxation Certificate program via the weekend and evening delivery can obtain their certificate in one year. They can then choose to continue on to achieve their Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma by studying for two more years in the Weekend and Evening Delivery format. They can also choose to switch to the Weekday Delivery program if they’d like to receive their diploma quicker.

It’s important to note that Weekend and Evening Delivery does not mean part-time. The first year of the Weekend and Evening Delivery program has the same amount of hours as the Weekday Delivery program, but those hours are more self-directed learning with fewer contact hours with the instructor.

If you’re interested in taking a part-time program, look at the four-year part-time program mentioned below.

When you enroll in the first year of the Weekend and Evening Delivery program, you will learn Swedish massage and basic assessment and treatment techniques. In June, you’ll obtain your Basic Relaxation Certificate and decide whether you’d like to continue on in the advanced years to complete your Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma. During this first year, you will also complete theoretical classes in anatomy, physiology, pathology, pathology treatments and professional practice.

Students also attend one seminar weekend each month, from a Friday to a Sunday, on campus for their practical classes. They will join one theory class online from home on Tuesday evenings.

The majority of weekend and evening delivery is self-directed. In February, students can choose to attend a weekly rotation in the Student Clinic and Outreach Clinic or obtain those hours at a clinic that is closer to home. This option is especially good for students who live outside of Winnipeg.

Graduates with a Basic Relaxation Certificate cannot claim insurance for their client’s treatments. This is because most insurance companies require that the therapist providing the massage therapy holds a 2200-hour diploma. For this reason, the majority of students move on to the advanced years and obtain their diploma.

Year Two and Three | Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma

Students who choose to continue with their study will study for two more years in the distance education format. They will attend one seminar weekend each month on campus. This seminar weekend starts on a Friday at 1:00 pm and finishes on a Sunday at 5:00 pm. During that weekend, students receive 24 hours of intensive practical instruction. They also work with clients at the Student and Outreach Clinics scheduled for those weekends.

When not attending the seminar weekend, students will participate in live online classes once or twice per week, depending on their schedule. These classes are focused on theory instruction.

Students enrolled in the three-year program have fewer contact hours with the instructor than the two-year diploma program and more time in self-directed study. They also complete a component of clinical hours at either the weekly Student Clinic at Wellington College or an approved clinic in their area if they live outside of Winnipeg. If students live in a remote location without another massage therapist to observe, they can gain their clinical hours through our virtual clinic.

Is Weekend and Evening Delivery Part-Time Study?

Weekend and Evening Delivery is not part-time study. Particularly in your first year of study, you will qualify as a full-time student through Canada Student Loans. The expectation of study and instruction is over 20 hours each week.

The second and third years are not as intense and the first year in the Weekend and Evening Delivery program, however. Instead of approximately 1200 hours of instruction and study like in the first year, the second and third year are based around 600 hours of instruction and study. This is due to the depth of knowledge you’ll be learning.

If you are looking for part-time study, check out our four-year program.

Four-Year Program | Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma

The four-year program is a part-time program.

In the first year of studies, students participate in live online classes once per week. These classes are focused on basic theory and include anatomy, pathology, physiology, and professional practice.

In the second year of studies, students attend one seminar weekend each month on campus. This seminar weekend starts on a Friday at 1:00 pm and finishes on a Sunday at 5:00 pm. During that weekend, students receive 24 hours of intensive basic practical instruction. They also work with clients at the Student and Outreach Clinics scheduled for those weekends.

In the third and fourth years of study, students attend one seminar weekend each month on campus. This seminar weekend starts on a Friday at 1:00 pm and finishes on a Sunday at 5:00 pm. During that weekend, students receive 24 hours of intensive advanced practical instruction. They also work with clients at the Student and Outreach Clinics scheduled for those weekends.

When not attending the seminar weekend, students will participate in live online classes once or twice per week, depending on their schedule. These classes are focused on advanced theory instruction.

Students enrolled in the four-year program have fewer contact hours with the instructor than the two-year diploma program and more time in self-directed study. Starting in their second year, they also complete a component of clinical hours at either the weekly Student Clinic at Wellington College or an approved clinic in their area if they live outside of Winnipeg. If students live in a remote location without another massage therapist to observe, they can gain their clinical hours through our virtual clinic.

How to Apply for the Weekend and Evening Delivery Programs

Regardless of whether you would like to take the distance education program part-time or not, you would choose “Weekend and Evening Delivery” in the application. From there, you’ll have the chance to choose whether you’d like to go part-time or take the full courseload when you speak to one of our Admissions Team.

If you have any questions about which delivery is the right one for you, book a chat with our Admissions Team by clicking here.

Brie Timings